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High Performance & Chemical Resistant Paints.

High Performance & Chemical Resistant Paints

A range of specialist paints and coatings for use in aggressive and demanding environments. Typical applications include tank farms, sewerage facilities, buried steel, chemical bunds and plant, wind and solar farms and process plants.

To protect valuable assets and infrastructure when specifying, always consider a scheduled maintenance cycle to fit in with the service life of the coatings or system. The use of cheaper paints will result in more frequent repainting and prove more costly in the long term.

Draw on over 70 years of experience on multi-use applications. These are very specialist products often required for use in extreme situations and are intended for PROFESSIONAL USE ONLY.

Please contact our Technical Team for assistance with identification of the most appropriate products for your requirements. Call 01202 295570.


Durable High Build Multi Surface Paint in White, Black & Pastel Shades A1040 [See more]
A high build, multi-surface, mid-sheen finish paint. This multi purpose coating is a unique blend of special resins, being soft-solvented and VOC compliant, giving good durability, moderate chemical resistance and very good weather resistance. A1040 can be applied in damp conditions and is shower resistant in 15-30 minutes and is ideal for application when the weather is likely to be either inclement or at a low temperature. CALL 01202 295570 to ORDER.

Excellent for refurbishing external cladding and is ideal for walls or buildings that require cleaning on a regular basis. Can be produced in a fine or medium gritted Textured Finish to help bridge fine cracks or to give a more consistent finish to uneven surfaces. Minimum 10.0 Litres.

Coverage: Up to 30 - 40 sq. metres per 5.0 Litres for Smooth Finish; 20 - 25 sq. meters per 5.0 Litres for Textured Finish. STILL at 2023 PRICE!

Chlorinated Rubber Swimming Pool Paint, A148 [See more]

Chlorinated Rubber outdoor pool paintpool paint onlineChlorinated Rubber Swimming Pool Paint. A fast drying, Chlorinated Rubber finish paint, suitable for painting inside swimming pools, concrete ponds, outdoor lido paddling pools, hydrotherapy pools and spas. Water resistant when applied correctly. BS4800 & RAL colours available, suitable for pools, fountains and water features. For pool steps, please see A148NS. Strictly Net Price.

Coverage: Up to 40 sq metres per 5.0 Litres per coat.

Chemical Resistant High Performance Chlorinated Rubber Floor Paint, R34. [See more]
 Chemical and urine resistant High Performance Chlorinated Rubber Floor Paint. A fast drying, single pack floor finish which has excellent resistance to a wide range of chemicals. Can be used for veterinary clinics, milking parlours, stables, kennels and catteries. BS4800 colours, minimum 5.0 Litres. RAL colours, minimum 10.0 Litres. Selected colours available to buy online at discounted price.

Coverage: 35 - 40 sq metres per 5.0 Litres @ 25 microns dry film thickness. STILL at 2023 PRICE!

Chemical Resistant High Performance Chlorinated Rubber Floor Paint, Anti-Slip. BS4800 & RAL Colours, R35 [See more]
 Anti-Slip High Performance, Chemical Resistant Chlorinated Rubber Floor Paint. A fast drying, single pack non-slip floor finish which has excellent resistance to a wide range of chemicals. Urine and faeces resistant paint, ideal for plant rooms, veterinary clinics, kennels, stables, horse boxes, trailers etc. Floor paint for internal and external use. BS4800 & RAL Colours. A choice of Fine or Medium non-slip texture is available. Selected colours available to buy online at discounted price.

Coverage: 35 - 40 sq metres per 5.0 Litres @ 25 microns dry film thickness. STILL at 2023 PRICE!

Anti-Slip Chlorinated Rubber Swimming Pool Paint, A148NS [See more]

A fast drying, Chlorinated Rubber anti-slip finish ideally suited for steps and walkways in and around swimming pools and for outdoor lido paddling pools. Solvent based. Strictly Net Price.

Coverage: 30 - 35 sq metres per 5.0 Litres per coat.